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The gift to the multitude.

Updated: Nov 3, 2022

2 Corinthians 2:15 TPT

We have become the unmistakable aroma of the victory of the Anointed One to God —a perfume of life to those being saved and the odor of death to those who are perishing.

“Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work." - 2 Timothy 2:21

When I started this blog, I was adamant that I wanted to write nothing about myself on this blog. I wanted Jesus at the fore front. But this morning in my quiet time Jesus spoke to me. His question to me was “What is the gift to the multitude?”

I had to think about that one. Was it the miracles Jesus did? Was it the teaching He taught? What was the gift to the multitude? The revelation of what Jesus was telling me came to me loud and clear. It was the relationship that His disciples had with Him that was the gift to the multitude. In the words of Jesus as He spoke it to me this morning, “If you take YOU out of the equation, you take ME out of the equation.”

For a moment I thought I heard wrong and was already getting puffed up ready to rebuke the devil. Until Jesus showed me what He meant.

We are vessels and into us He pours his goodness. He does this through a relationship with Him. And that relationship with him becomes a sweet fragrance to the world and draws the multitude and through using us He reveals who He is. The gift to the multitude is your relationship with Jesus that gives off a sweet fragrance and draws the multitude to Jesus who lives in you, and through you he demonstrates His love and power.

So, this morning I will take a minute to tell you the story of my relationship with Jesus. I am a person just like you. I don’t have superpowers or a high title. I am just a mom, a wife, and a daughter. There was a time I did not know Jesus. Not because of a lack of going to church, but because just like you I have an enemy that will hunt me down to destroy me. I grew up in the church, had the privilege of being surrounded by people loving God. I knew the word, but I have not experienced Jesus the way they have. The hound of Heaven never stopped hunting me down. Even in all the darkest corners of the world where I crawled up in my own mess, He found me.

I was back and forth with God for many years. But I remember the day when He really took a hold of my heart. The day He took my hand, and we walked through the deepest passages of my heart which I have avoided myself. It was a desolate place, smelling of ash and anguish. That part of your heart that you avoid at any cost because the pain is so deep it would swallow you whole and nothing would be left. That part you don’t show no one.

As I walked for a year with Jesus through that terrible place in my heart, He healed me and made me brand new. People think when you say that, that its just something a “Jesus’ freak” would say. But He is the Jesus who heals, who makes brand new, who restores, who gives life. And only when you have had an experience that really changes the very core of who you are do you truly understand this Jesus and His power, and His love. I don’t care if the world calls me a “Jesus’ freak”. I am not ashamed of the Jesus that I serve. His love is all consuming and it is enough! No applause of man can compare to the applause of God himself. I live for Him alone, because in Him I have life and life in abundance. I do not convert to this worlds’ ways because this is not my home. Heaven is my home. I don’t have to be politically correct, because it is more important to live and breathe the truth. But more importantly just as Jesus commanded us, I will love others no matter what they do or say as He loves me.

Am I perfect? NO WAY!!! Not by a long shot. I am a working progress and will be till my last breath. Nothing I do in my own strength will buy me His love or grace or a slice of heaven. Desiring Jesus and truly seeking Him will only glorify Him more. So let my life be for your Glory Lord.

Are you a gift to the multitude?

My prayer for you is that you will have that kind of relationship with Jesus that it will become the fragrance that draws the multitude. Be the vessel that carries the gift to the multitude. But if you find that your relationship with Jesus is not where it should be and you want to go deeper with Jesus, won't you pop me a message and let me pray for you. I believe God is moving among His people in these times we live in and He is definitely waking up His bride.

For those who don't know Jesus and you really want to know who this Jesus is, won't you send me a message too. I would love to pray with you. Don't let this moment pass without making a commitment to Him and inviting Him into your life. If for what ever reason I can't phone you right back or message you right back, please take the time to say this prayer and visit a church or someone you know who knows Jesus to pray with you. But whatever you do don't let this moment pass you by.


Lord Jesus, I want to know you, won't you come into my heart and make me new.

I know I am a sinner, will you forgive me and wash me clean with your blood.

Teach me through your word and Lord show me your ways.

I accept your Holy Spirit and accept what you have done for me.

I pray this in Jesus name. AMEN

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